Structural steel or carbon fiber for concrete reinforcement

Advanced Composite Materials? Structural Steel?

The calculation principles, formulas and limiting conditions of steel-bonded and carbon fiber reinforced reinforcement are similar. So bonding steel or carbon fiber for structural reinforcement?

carbon fibre structural reinforcement

structural steel

1. Make the final decision based on the construction budget

If the construction budget is sufficient, the choice of which reinforcement method will not affect the project. If the construction budget is tight, then we have to consider strengthening the same project, bonding steel reinforcement and carbon fiber reinforcement. How much difference between the two types of reinforcement costs. In terms of long-term benefits, the use of carbon fiber reinforcement can effectively save costs.

2. Look at the operating environment

As we all know, the steel plate material used in the steel-bonded reinforcement is easily corroded in harsh environments. If the construction environment is harsh, it is best to use carbon fiber reinforcement. If it is in a conventional construction environment, no matter which kind of construction material is selected, a better reinforcement effect can be achieved.

3. The internal structure of existing buildings

If the internal structure of an existing building is too complicated, in order to avoid damage to its internal structure during the reinforcement of the building, we can use carbon fiber materials. Carbon fiber material is easy to cut and has a high degree of stretch, suitable for a variety of operating environments.

4. Deformation strength of existing buildings

If the existing building has been severely deformed, in order to ensure that the existing building's function is not damaged, it is recommended to use carbon fiber materials with matching strength levels. If the deformation of the building is not serious, within the acceptable range, then stick steel reinforcement is the preferred reinforcement method.

5. Anchoring needs

If you choose to use carbon fiber materials to reinforce existing buildings, you can not add anchors to the carbon fiber materials, let alone welding. Therefore, in order to ensure the reinforcement effect, we need to choose the construction method of bonding steel reinforcement.

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HM-20 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Wrap

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber wrap pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) wrap used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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HM-1.2T Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Strip

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HM-120 Steel Bonding Adhesive

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