List of carbon fiber strengthening concrete components

carbon fiber strengthening concrete components

Carbon fiber strengthening concrete components

Carbon fiber strengthening concrete components

Component classificationstructural strengtheningBonding quantity (number of layers)

Eccentric compression member

Perpendicular to the direction of force

Horizontal ring closure or wrapped carbon fiber

2-3 layers
Large eccentric compression member

Longitudinal strips of carbon fiber

The number of pastes (layers) is determined by calculation

Seismic strengthening of columns

Column base h/4 ~ h/3 (h is the column height) wrapped with carbon fiber cloth horizontally

2-3 layers

strengthening of normal section of bending member

Strip carbon fiber on the tensioned part of the beam

The number of pastes (layers) is determined by calculation
Oblique section strengthening of bending members

In the range of 1/3 of the beam length at the end of the beam, loop closed paste or U-shaped paste (when U-shaped paste, bead on both sides of the beam)

The number of pastes (layers) is determined by calculation

Carbon fiber strengthening project

Carbon fiber strengthening project example

1 Seismic strengthening of frame columns

The seismic performance of individual frame columns on the first floor of a certain building is poor, and carbon fiber cloth is used for strengthening and strengthening by the transverse circular pasting. The main function of carbon fiber cloth is to restrain the internal concrete. Since carbon fiber has high tensile strength and elastic modulus, this restraint effect is obvious. When the concrete is compressed and produces lateral deformation, the carbon fiber cloth can restrain the concrete deformation and increase the ultimate compressive strain of the concrete. Therefore, the crushing of the concrete in the compression zone is delayed, the plastic deformation performance of the longitudinal strengthening is fully exerted, the ductility of the reinforced concrete frame column is improved, and the bearing capacity and seismic performance of the frame column are improved, which solves the above problems.

2 Beam and slab strengthening

Due to the increased use load of a building, the flexural bearing capacity of the beam is insufficient, and the bearing capacity is greatly improved after the use of carbon fiber strengthening.

3 Crack strengthening

Due to the uneven settlement of the foundation, a large number of cracks appeared in the beams, columns and joints of a building. After carbon fiber strengthening, the cracks were effectively controlled and the bearing capacity was significantly increased.

4 Other strengthening

After opening a hole in the floor of a building, the bearing capacity of the floor is significantly increased after carbon fiber strengthening.

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