Carbon fiber fabric used in flexural reinforcement of slab

Because of its high tensile strength,carbon fiber fabric can be used for flexural strengthening of concrete members. When carbon fiber fabric is used for flexural reinforcement, the direction of fiber bonding should be parallel to the main force direction of the component.

Carbon fiber fabric used in flexural reinforcement of slab

Because of its high tensile strength,carbon fiber fabric can be used for flexural strengthening of concrete members. When carbon fiber fabric is used for flexural reinforcement, the direction of fiber bonding should be parallel to the main force direction of the component. In addition, the reduction of the ultimate strength of carbon fiber fabric should also be considered when calculating the flexural capacity of the reinforced structure.

This project is cast in place reinforced concrete frame shear wall structure. The original floor slab is 120 thick, and we intend to add a large fish tank on it. Heavy 3.6T, the size of the bottom of the fish tank is 4.6m x 1.2m. Because the new load is large, the original structure must be reinforced with carbon fiber fabric.

Carbon fiber fabric used in flexural reinforcement of slab

Reinforcement scheme

Firstly, the negative bending moment zone of the floor needs to be strengthened at the shear wall part, because carbon fiber is not easy to anchor, so the bonded steel plate method is adopted, this paper will not elaborate.

For the positive bending area of the floor, carbon fiber cloth can be used to reinforce it. On the one hand, when the amount of CFRP is large, the ultimate strength of the slab is low and can not give full play to its strength. On the other hand, if the amount of carbon fiber material is reduced, it can achieve higher stress in the ultimate state of bearing capacity. However, because the elastic modulus of carbon fiber is close to that of steel, the plate may be destroyed due to excessive deflection under normal service limit state. In addition, carbon fiber materials are prone to brittle failure and strength should be conservatively valued. The ultimate flexural capacity of the strengthened plate is calculated by the equilibrium condition, and the ultimate tensile stress of the carbon fiber material is half of the ultimate strength.

According to the calculation results, the double-layer 200 - width fiber cloth will be pasted along the short span, and the net spacing between every two pieces of cloth will be 200.

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