Structural Reinforcement Measures in House Construction

Structural Reinforcement and Reconstruction Measures in House Construction Engineering

1 The importance of construction technology for building structural reinforcement

Nowadays, people's actual housing construction in our country will be affected by many uncertain factors, and there are some substantial quality problems in their housing construction. For example, the construction quality and construction materials of housing construction are not guaranteed, and quality problems such as structural deformation, dislocation, and cracks will occur in the later use of housing construction. It is not conducive to safe use, and will pose a certain threat to people's life safety and property safety. In this regard, during the construction of houses, the construction unit should have a detailed grasp of the problems affecting the construction quality in the construction process, and be able to control and manage the construction quality from various aspects, thereby ensuring the overall construction quality of the project.

The application of structural reinforcement technology in housing construction can effectively improve the quality of housing construction, so that the safety and stability of housing construction can meet relevant construction requirements, and the earthquake resistance and disaster resistance of housing construction can also be improved. In this regard, during the reinforcement construction of the building structure, the construction personnel should use the reinforcement technology reasonably. According to the actual construction situation, different reinforcement technologies and reinforcement construction schemes are scientifically selected to ensure the quality of structural reinforcement and the overall construction quality of the building.

2 Specific reasons for structural reinforcement and reconstruction of housing projects

2.1 Ignoring the useful life of the house.

During the construction of a house, the most important part is the design of the building construction scheme. However, in the design process, designers will focus all their energy on how to improve the quality of the building, and the building load capacity is also a major concern of the designers. However, the structural construction scheme designed by it does not pay attention to and explore the service life of the house. Furthermore, the construction of the house was carried out according to the design plan, and the load strength of the house could meet the quality requirements of the construction, but could not reach the expected service life. Then, in the later stage of use, the structure of the building should be reinforced and transformed, so as to prolong the service life of the building and the safety and stability of the use, and also protect the property rights and interests of the owner of the building.

2.2 The structural durability of the building is neglected.

Buildings are completely exposed to the natural environment from the beginning of construction to the later residential use. The baptism of wind and snow, the impact of disasters such as earthquakes, etc. are the most common factors in the natural environment. The factors of the natural environment will have a certain impact on the quality of housing construction. The materials of housing construction will suffer from the influence of the natural environment for a long time, the performance of the materials will decline, and the housing structure will also have problems such as instability, aging and cracks. The occurrence of this problem will seriously affect the safety and stability of the building. In this regard, in the process of building structure design, designers should focus on the durability of the building structure. And choose materials that can resist the natural environment, and materials with strong corrosion resistance are designed as building structures, so that the durability of building structures is improved. However, the durability of today's building structures is poor, and it is necessary to improve their durability through structural reinforcement and transformation of building construction projects, thereby ensuring the safety and stability of buildings within the specified service life.

3 Technical analysis of structural reinforcement and reconstruction of housing engineering

3.1 Contents that need to be paid attention to in the reinforcement and reconstruction of the house engineering structure.

The construction of structural reinforcement and reconstruction of housing engineering is relatively complex and cumbersome. There are several points in the construction and reconstruction that need to be paid attention to.

First, make appropriate preparations before construction. First of all, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the design drawings and construction drawings of the house construction, and also to explore the quality and problems of the current house building structure, to clarify the existing structural problems, and to formulate a reasonable reinforcement and transformation plan according to the actual situation.

Second, after the construction preparations are completed, the formal structural reinforcement construction work begins. To treat the rust on the surface of the steel structure, technicians need to choose manual or mechanical treatment methods according to the amount of rust, but the quality of the rust treatment must be guaranteed before subsequent reinforcement construction operations can be carried out.

Third, during the reinforcement and reconstruction construction, if the reinforcement and reconstruction construction plan cannot be carried out, the construction and monitoring work need to be carried out at the same time.

Fourth, the construction of structural reinforcement and reconstruction is usually a high-altitude operation. During construction, construction safety must be ensured, and safety protection measures must be worn when entering and leaving the construction site to ensure safe construction.

3.2 Specific technologies for structural reinforcement and reconstruction of housing engineering

The technical methods often used in the reinforcement and reconstruction of housing engineering structures are as follows. The author makes a simple analysis of the reconstruction techniques.

Carbon fiber material reinforcement

3.2.1 Carbon fiber material reinforcement technology.

Carbon fiber material has high strength, but its own weight is relatively light. Using its material for reinforcement in house reinforcement can ensure the quality of reinforcement construction on the one hand, and will not increase the load of the house on the other hand. In addition, the reinforcement of carbon fiber materials can also effectively improve the corrosion resistance and durability of the building structure. Nowadays, the reinforcement technology of carbon fiber materials is widely used in the reinforcement of building structures, and the reinforcement effect is also good.

3.2.2 Added section method.

The method of increasing the cross-section means that in the process of strengthening the building structure, the technicians add reinforced concrete to the building structure that needs to be reinforced. The reinforced concrete and the original structure form a common point, and the bearing capacity of the building structure can be improved. The method is relatively simple, and is often used in the reinforcement of beams, slabs and other structures, and the reinforcement effect is also good.

steel plate reinforcement

3.2.3 Outsourcing steel reinforcement method.

The outer steel reinforcement method is to use steel to wrap the outside of the structure that needs to be reinforced, which can be divided into wet and dry types. The wet type is to use liquid substances to adhere the steel and the components of the reinforced structure, thereby ensuring that the force between the steel and the original building structure is the same. The wet reinforcement method is more difficult to construct, and the construction operation is more complicated. Dry reinforcement mainly fills the gaps between steel and building structures with cement mortar. The reinforcement effect of this method is poor, but the operation is relatively simple.

4 Conclusion

During the construction of housing construction projects, in order to ensure people's quality of life and the safety of life and property, housing construction companies must carry out structural reinforcement of housing construction projects to provide people with a higher-quality housing environment. In order to ensure the durability of the house and the safety of living, it is necessary to select the appropriate reinforcement technology for the reinforcement and reconstruction of the house.

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